Testing REST API with Serenity and Rest-assured

Jacek Zygiel

Rest-assured is a Java framework for testing and validating REST APIs.

Serenity is an automated BDD(Behaviour driven development) acceptance testing framework. Rest-assured combined with Serenity in connection provides a tool for easy creating of BDD api tests and generates neat and good looking reports.

Test project

In the scope of article, postcodes.io api will be tested.

Postcodes is a free, Open Source api for Postcode and Geolocation for the UK.

Project structure

It uses standard maven project structure.



<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemalocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">





Serenity is compatible with Cucumber in version 2.x and 4.x. To use Cucumber in 4.x version, cucumber-core needs to be excluded from serenity-core.

The Maven failsafe plugin and serenity-maven-plugin needs to be configured to generate a test report.


Enum with endpoints urls.

package pl.jlabs;

public enum PostcodesEndpoints {

    private final String url;

    PostcodesEndpoints(String url) {
        this.url = url;

    public String getUrl() {
        return url;


Cucumber tests runner

package pl.jlabs.cukes;

import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import net.serenitybdd.cucumber.CucumberWithSerenity;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

        plugin = {"pretty"},
        features = "classpath:features",
        glue = {"pl.jlabs.stepdefs"}
public class RunCukes {}


package pl.jlabs.stepdefs;

import PostcodesEndpoints;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import net.serenitybdd.rest.SerenityRest;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import static net.serenitybdd.rest.SerenityRest.restAssuredThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

public class NearestPostcodesSteps extends BaseTest {

    private static final Map<string,object> VALID_GPS_DATA = Stream.of(
            new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("lon", "0.629834723775309"),
            new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("lat", "51.7923246977375"),
            new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>("postCodes", new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("CM8 1EF", "CM8 1EU", "CM8 1PH", "CM8 1PQ"))))
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue));

    private static final List<string> COORDINATES_OUTSIDE_UK = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("50.049683", "19.944544"));

    @Given("the request with valid coordinates to the Nearest Postcodes endpoint")
    public void theRequestWithAValidCoordinatesToTheNearestPostcodesEndpoint() {
                .pathParam("lon", VALID_GPS_DATA.get("lon"))
                .pathParam("lat", VALID_GPS_DATA.get("lat"));

    @Given("the request with invalid longitude")
    public void theRequestWithInvalidLongitude() {
                .pathParam("lon", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(3))
                .pathParam("lat", VALID_GPS_DATA.get("lat"));

    @Given("the request with valid coordinates outside UK")
    public void theRequestWithAValidCoordinatesOutsideUK() {
                .pathParam("lon", COORDINATES_OUTSIDE_UK.get(0))
                .pathParam("lat", COORDINATES_OUTSIDE_UK.get(1));

    @Given("the request with invalid latitude")
    public void theRequestWithInvalidLatitude() {
                .pathParam("lon", VALID_GPS_DATA.get("lon"))
                .pathParam("lat", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(3));

    @When("the request is made with the get method to nearest postcodes endpoint")
    public void theRequestIsMadeWithGetMethod() {

    @Then("the response with a correct list of postcodes is returned")
    public void theResponseWithACorrectListOfPostcodesIsReturned() {
        restAssuredThat(response -> response
                .body("result", hasSize(((List) VALID_GPS_DATA.get("postCodes")).size()))
                .body("result[0].postcode", equalTo(((List) VALID_GPS_DATA.get("postCodes")).get(0)))
                .body("result[1].postcode", equalTo(((List) VALID_GPS_DATA.get("postCodes")).get(1)))
                .body("result[2].postcode", equalTo(((List) VALID_GPS_DATA.get("postCodes")).get(2)))
                .body("result[3].postcode", equalTo(((List) VALID_GPS_DATA.get("postCodes")).get(3))));

    @Then("an empty result list is returned")
    public void anEmptyResultListIsReturned() {
        restAssuredThat(response -> response
                .body("result", is(nullValue())));

    @Then("the invalid longitude latitude submitted error is returned")
    public void theInvalidLongitudeLatitudeSubmittedErrorIsReturned() {
        restAssuredThat(response -> response
                .body("status", equalTo(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST))
                .body("error", equalTo("Invalid longitude/latitude submitted")));

To use Rest-assured, Serenity provides class SerenityRest.

For BDD use, it’s called twice. In Given step:

                .pathParam("lon", VALID_GPS_DATA.get("lon"))
                .pathParam("lat", VALID_GPS_DATA.get("lat"));

and in When step, where the call is made to API:


To analyze the response SerenityRest method the restAssuredThat method is called.

restAssuredThat(response -> response
                .body("status", equalTo(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST))
                .body("error", equalTo("Invalid longitude/latitude submitted")));

Another construction of assertion is also possible with use of a SerenityRest object:

                .body("result", is(notNullValue()));


package pl.jlabs.stepdefs;

import PostcodesEndpoints;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import net.serenitybdd.rest.SerenityRest;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;

import static net.serenitybdd.rest.SerenityRest.restAssuredThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;

public class RandomPostcodeSteps extends BaseTest {

    @Given("a request to the random postcodes endpoint")
    public void aRequestToTheRandomPostcodesEndpoint() {

    @When("the request is made with the get method to random postcode")
    public void theRequestIsMadeWithTheGetMethodToRandomPostcode() {

    @Then("the randomly generated postcode is returned")
    public void theRandomlyGeneratedPostcodeIsReturned() {
        restAssuredThat(response -> response
                .body("result", is(notNullValue())));


package pl.jlabs.stepdefs;

import PostcodesEndpoints;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import net.serenitybdd.rest.SerenityRest;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;

import static net.serenitybdd.rest.SerenityRest.restAssuredThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

public class ValidatePostcodeSteps extends BaseTest {

    @Given("the request with a valid postcode")
    public void theRequestWithAValid() {

    @Given("the request with an invalid postcode")
    public void theRequestWithAnInvalidPostcode() {

    @Given("the request without postcode")
    public void theRequestWithoutPostcode() {

    @When("the request is made with the get method to validate postcode")
    public void theRequestIsMadeWithTheGetMethodToValidatePostcode() {

    @Then("the response with a result equal to {string} is returned")
    public void theResponseWithAResultEqualToIsReturned(String expectedResult) {
        restAssuredThat(response -> response
                .body("result", equalTo(Boolean.valueOf(expectedResult))));

    @Then("the not found status code with an Invalid postcode error is returned")
    public void theNotFoundStatusCodeWithInvalidPostcodeErrorIsReturned() {
        restAssuredThat(response ->  response
                .body("error", equalTo("Invalid postcode")));

    private void validatePostCodeRequest(String postCode) {
                .pathParam("postcode", postCode);


A Feature file with scenarios for nearest postcode endpoint

Feature: Nearest postcode

  Scenario: A correct list of postcodes is returned for valid coordinates
    Given the request with valid coordinates to the Nearest Postcodes endpoint
    When the request is made with the get method to nearest postcodes endpoint
    Then the response with a correct list of postcodes is returned

  Scenario: An empty results list is returned for a valid coordinates outside UK
    Given the request with valid coordinates outside UK
    When the request is made with the get method to nearest postcodes endpoint
    Then an empty result list is returned

  Scenario: An invalid longitude/latitude submitted error is returned for a request with invalid longitude
    Given the request with invalid longitude
    When the request is made with the get method to nearest postcodes endpoint
    Then the invalid longitude latitude submitted error is returned

  Scenario: An invalid longitude/latitude submitted error is returned for a request with invalid latitude
    Given the request with invalid latitude
    When the request is made with the get method to nearest postcodes endpoint
    Then the invalid longitude latitude submitted error is returned


A feature file with scenarios for generating random postcode endpoint

Feature: Random postcode

  Scenario: A random postcode is generated
    Given a request to the random postcodes endpoint
    When the request is made with the get method to random postcode
    Then the randomly generated postcode is returned


A feature file with scenarios for validating postcode endpoint

Feature: Validate postcode

  Scenario: True is returned for a request with a valid postcode
    Given the request with a valid postcode
    When the request is made with the get method to validate postcode
    Then the response with a result equal to "true" is returned

  Scenario: False is returned for a request with an invalid postcode
    Given the request with an invalid postcode
    When the request is made with the get method to validate postcode
    Then the response with a result equal to "false" is returned

  Scenario: Not found with an invalid postcode error is returned for a request without postcode
    Given the request without postcode
    When the request is made with get method to validate postcode
    Then the not found status code with an Invalid postcode error is returned

Test execution

To execute tests use the maven command:

mvn clean verify

Test report

After test execution in directory target/site/serenity a report will be generated. To display the report open index.html

The report is well formatted and contains consolidated results.

In the Test Results tab detailed scenario reports are available for each scenario. A report for the scenario True is returned for a request with a valid postcode:

With the use of REST Query button it’s possible to display query details. Visible details:

  • Path
  • Status code
  • Request Headers
  • Request Body
  • Request Cookies
  • Response Headers
  • Response Body


Serenity combined with Rest-assured makes a perfect set for developing REST API BDD tests. Test implementation is almost the same as in the use of Rest-assured only, with a small allowance of the need to use the SerenityRest object as a „prefix”.

A great benefit of Serenity are beautiful reports which contain complete request/response information, what makes test analysis much easier.


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