SMS portal – enterprise communication
The j‑labs professionals have created a cloud-based platform for extended SMS communication, built on a new framework based on Java, Kotlin and React.
Thanks to the tool developed by j‑labs, Bijou Brigitte was able to reduce the inventory time from 24 hours and the work of four people to four hours and the work of one person.
Bijou Brigitte is Europe’s leading supplier of fashionable jewelry and accessories. The first Bijou Brigitte stores appeared in the 1960s, and by the 1990s the company had more than 100 stores nationwide. Today, the Bijou Brigitte Group operates a network of 990 stores located throughout Europe.
„I am satisfied with the team’s work, flexibility, and commitment. It’s been a model of excellent cooperation from the very beginning.
Mathilde Kowitz, Head of IT, Bijou Brigitte
It was beneficial and time-effective for us to outsource the implementation of the new tools. J-labs uses the best and the most effective ways of delivering software.
The kick-off of the Jaspis project followed in May 2018. As a result of the progress and numerous tests, the app was deployed to production in March 2020. This allowed inventory to be reduced from at least 24 hours and the work of four people to 4 hours with one person. In addition, the RFID reader-based solution helped to almost completely eliminate the number of human errors made during inventory.
The Quartz app entered production at the end of 2022. This dashboard reduces both the amount of paper and the time it takes for reports to reach headquarters. Additionally, Quartz is an app being developed for Android and iOS platforms.
The projects assume further expansion and the addition of new features.
j-labs has been Bijou Brigitte’s Technology Partner since 2018. We provide the company with a team of highly specialized engineers whose main domain is backend work (Java/Kotlin), mobile (Android SDK, Flutter) and QA. This is a cross-functional team of:
The j‑labs team, in collaboration with third-party vendors, created a number of proprietary solutions, addressing all of them. The testing conducted, the detailed planning and the close cooperation with customers resulted in positive feedback regarding the user experience of the app, the scalability and the simplicity of implementing these tools in more stores of the Bijou Brigitte chain.
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SMS portal – enterprise communication
The j‑labs professionals have created a cloud-based platform for extended SMS communication, built on a new framework based on Java, Kotlin and React.
RFID-based inventory system for an internal app for Bijou Brigitte
Thanks to the tool created by j‑labs, Bijou Brigitte shortened the inventory time from 24 hours and the work of 4 people, to 4 hours and the work of 1 person.