

AWS lambda deploy

In this article, I will show how to deploy our lambda nodejs simple application using terraform. We will focus on how to connect our aws account with a local machine to easily apply terraform. In addition, we configure the API gateway to call lambda by HTTP method.
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Cloud Spring

Spring Cloud Contract

Spring Cloud Contract helps developers in implementing the Consumer Driver Contracts(CDC) approach. In this article, we’ll explain what is Consumer Driven Contract Testing and see […]
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Cloud Spring

Spring Cloud Config

Spring Cloud Config is a project that offers support for externalized configuration in a distributed system for both client side and server side. At server […]
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Cloud Monitoring

Monitor your application with micrometer and Google Cloud Monitoring

Monitoring is an integral part of modern Site Reliability Engineering practices. In this article, you will learn how to apply monitoring to your application using […]
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Python Cloud

First steps with Ansible

Introduction Ansible is an open source powerful automation tool. It is used for configuration management, application deployment, orchestration and task automation. Created for multi-device management […]
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Cloud Java

Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services

Nowadays cloud computing is really common depending on the services that we would like to use, from frequently utilized software applications to development environments, virtual […]
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Cloud Java

Deploying spring boot application on Heroku cloud platform

Heroku is a cloud-based application platform and in this two-part article I will show you how, step by step, deploy Spring Boot application there. Intro […]
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Cloud Java Databases

Heroku: dodatki, logi i monitorowanie

We wcześniejszym artykule wprowadziłem Was w podstawy Heroku oraz wdrożyłem aplikację opartą na spring boot. W drugiej części zademonstruję, jak dodać obsługiwanie baz danych. Poruszymy […]
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