
Java Mobile

Thunkable fun with a drag-and-drop app builder

Are you programmer?Do you need no-code tool?Probably your answer is **no**. Sometimes you need a fast app prototype and sometimes a non-technical person asks you […]
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Testing and simulating mobile devices in Chrome DevTools

Web application testing is not only web browser compatibility testing nowadays. Verifying proper visibility on mobile devices as tablets and smartphones is same or even […]
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Mobile Front-end

Phone Authorization with Firebase and Ionic

Demand for web and mobile applications is still increasing. Developers nowadays don’t build whole systems from scratch since it’s time and cost consuming. With rise […]
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Android Architecture Components

We all in principle try to perfect our app. Choosing best architecture and frameworks, meticulously planning classes and utilizing design patterns to make best of […]
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Mobile Front-end

TypeScript – why you should care

Introduction Building big web applications written in JavaScript is not a simple thing. We don’t have types, interfaces, enums etc. These features could be really […]
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Mobile Design Patterns Functional Programming

Creating a lazily-evaluated builder-like API in Java 8 using the extended Step Builder pattern

Introduction The Builder design pattern is known and used widely. To begin with, it was created to provide a way to create new objects. Using […]
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Configuring Spring in Stand-Alone Apps

Here’s a quick lesson in bringing Spring Configuration classes and functionality to your own stand-alone apps in the event you need them. Spring is a […]
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Mobile Front-end Design Patterns

Publish/Subscribe model in JavaScript

Let’s figure out how we can use Observer pattern to build a very basic implementation of Events with public/subscribe methods based on usage of Ionic […]
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Java Mobile Design Patterns

Popular EIP Frameworks comparison

Introduction Enterprise Integration Patterns solves problems of enterprise application integration and message-oriented middleware. I recommend the book by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf where authors catalogued the […]
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Mobile Databases

How to quickly write an application to load thousands of records into DB using Spring Batch?

Let’s assume we want to measure air pollution in our city. We’ve got around 100 detectors located in different parts of the town. Measurement results are collected every 15 minutes.
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