Lepsze planowanie i szacowanie
Istnieją niezliczone przypadki, gdzie słabe decyzje oparte na błędnych szacunkach prowadzą do poważnych opóźnień w rozwoju produktu. Zarówno w przypadku planowania na wysokim (długofalowe funkcje) […]
Sprint Retrospective as a reflection of the team working on the product
Meaning and Aim of Retrospective The retrospective aims to analyse what happened during the last sprint. We take into account people and interactions between them, […]
Spotify engineering culture. How do they deal with growth issues?
Spotify grew tired of it and is trying to solve problems related to software development process. Luckily for us they are willing to share their […]
Agile way towards microservices
What if you know that you will need a microservice architecture, but you do not know how to divide your business requirements into small, independent […]
TDD in practice
Test Driven Development is one of fundamental practices in the Agile methodology.