
Tools Databases

Docker networks

Docker has kept its popularity for quite a few years now (without surprise). Its success is based on many things like scalling, microservices and also […]
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Visualizing Influx metrics with Grafana

Grafana is a data visualization and monitoring tool allowing you to show metrics stored for example in InfluxDB as charts. It gives you possibility to […]
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Using InfluxDB to store performance metrics

InfluxDB it is a database oriented on time series. It was designed to accept large number of queries and write requests. It is perfect for […]
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Cloud Java Databases

Heroku: add-ons, logs and monitoring

In a previous article I’ve introduced you to Heroku basics and deployed spring-boot-based application there. In the second part I will show you how to […]
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Mobile Databases

How to quickly write an application to load thousands of records into DB using Spring Batch?

Let’s assume we want to measure air pollution in our city. We’ve got around 100 detectors located in different parts of the town. Measurement results are collected every 15 minutes.
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MongoDB document oriented database | introduction

We live in the world where we are bombarded with huge amount of information, news and advertising. Computer network becomes the central place of business. For this reason databases become fatter and fatter.
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Custom sorting in SQL

Really often there are some status columns stored in many different tables in the applications we are working on. Mostly they are also fundamental attributes […]
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