
Quality Assurance Java

Test your REST API with Spock – Introduction to Spock Framework

In this article I’d like to show you how to test your API with Spock Framework. Spock is a testing framework for Java and Groovy […]
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Quality Assurance

Tips & tricks learned during years of using Jenkins

I would like to share with you some useful ways of working with Jenkins, as well as methods of coping with various issues that I […]
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Quality Assurance Python

Mocking objects with Python

Mocking is just pretending to be and simulating specific behavior, we can replace our code’s parts with fake objects and verify how system behaves. At […]
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Quality Assurance Java

Introduction to performance tests using JMeter

JMeter is an open-source JAVA-based load testing tool for measuring and analyzing performance of services and applications. It simulates user behavior by sending requests to […]
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Quality Assurance Python

Pytest – why it’s more popular than unittest?

In my professional career I used to write tests with both frameworks: unittest and pytest. Both are great tools with certain pros and cons, but pytest is significantly more popular […]
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Quality Assurance Java

Parametrized tests – solutions overview (TestNG, JUnit4, JUnit5)

Parametrized tests are a lot easier to maintain. Usually when single requirement changes it’s enough to change one variable in the code. You don’t have […]
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Front-end Quality Assurance

How to make Nigthwatch.js library work with async/await?

Although it’s quite powerful tool, you need to customize it to get the full benefit of it. One of these improvements is usage of async/await commands (from […]
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Quality Assurance

The benefits of Code Reviews

Introduction Code reviews, despite the many benefits they bring, are sometimes treated as a necessary evil. Programmers are convinced that this is unnecessary worktime, which […]
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Front-end Quality Assurance

Node.js module testing with Chai and Sinon framework

Introduction In this article I will show you how to write unit tests for Node.js modules and its dependencies from scratch. Before that, I would […]
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Quality Assurance Front-end Design Patterns Java

Building Selenium framework in java (part IV) – answer job interview questions like a pro

In my opinion, Software Developer in Test job interviews are one of the most demanding interviews in IT market. How come? Introduction It happens from time […]
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