
Quality Assurance Front-end

Performance of modern JavaScript frameworks

Lots of developers when start building yet another JavaScript application do not think about important thing which is the web application performance. Let’s cover this significant aspect of software […]
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Mobile Front-end

TypeScript – dlaczego warto go znać?

Wstęp Tworzenie dużych aplikacji webowych napisanych JavaScriptem to nie taka prosta rzecz. Nie mamy do dyspozycji typów, interfejsów, enumów itp. Te funkcje mogłyby być bardzo […]
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Mobile Front-end Design Patterns

Publish/Subscribe model in JavaScript

Let’s figure out how we can use Observer pattern to build a very basic implementation of Events with public/subscribe methods based on usage of Ionic […]
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Browser IndexedDB API

IndexedDB is persistent storage key-value object-oriented database. It supports transactions. It has asynchronous API and can be used in Web Workers.
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Java Front-end

Spring Boot and Angular 2 #1

In this article I would like to show you how to create simple application with Spring Boot on server side and Angular 2 at a front-end. It is very good combination, proper for many types of projects.
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Quality Assurance Front-end

Testing in React

A few approaches for React Testing. It won’t be focused on the detailed configuration of each tool but it rather show how to embrace tool […]
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Mobile Front-end

Creating game for android using JavaScript #1 | How to start

Few years ago, when Android had taken lead of the mobile market, I had decided to create game and become a millionaire as a “thousands” […]
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