Java - Artykuły

Java Spring

Spring AOP in practice – measure method execution time

In this article we will take a closer look at Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) with a little help from Spring Framework. AOP is powerful tool […]
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Introduction to Ratpack

Ratpack is a set of Java libraries that enable writing efficient HTTP applications. It’s built on Netty event-driven networking engine. In some cases it may be considered as […]
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Java Quality Assurance Cucumber

Custom formatters in Cucumber

I’ve been working with cucumber-java test framework for some time now and I must admit, I really like what is possible to achieve by using […]
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How to use monads in Java

Java is not a functional programming language. Despite the fact that Java 8 came with some elements from functional world, there is still no way […]
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Dealing with Java Exceptions in a functional way

You may have heard that checked exceptions in Java are evil. Some people even say that they are Java’s biggest mistake. There is a lot […]
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Blocking vs non-blocking http servers performance

In this article, I’d like to take a look at the performance and the scalability of both blocking and non-blocking HTTP servers. I’ll compare average […]
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Java Quality Assurance

Testowanie REST API z użyciem Spock – Wprowadzenie do Frameworka Spock

W tym artykule chciałbym pokazać, jak przetestować API za pomocą frameworka Spock. Spock to framework testowy dla aplikacji Java i Groovy. Rozszerza on narzędzie JUnit […]
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Java Mockito

Advanced mocking with Mockito

Purpose of unit tests is to test small chunks of code independently, in separation from any dependencies. In many cases to keep this kind of […]
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Java Quality Assurance

Introduction to performance tests using JMeter

JMeter is an open-source JAVA-based load testing tool for measuring and analyzing performance of services and applications. It simulates user behavior by sending requests to […]
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Java Quality Assurance

Parametrized tests – solutions overview (TestNG, JUnit4, JUnit5)

Parametrized tests are a lot easier to maintain. Usually when single requirement changes it’s enough to change one variable in the code. You don’t have […]
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