

Save your time with MapStruct library

The MapStruct library is a great tool that can help you save time and make your life easier. Many times, when working in a microservices […]
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Java Backend

Elasticsearch in Java projects – aggregations

This article, in contrary to previous ones, is not dedicated to search. It presents another powerful aspect of the Elasticsearch – Aggregations, that let users […]
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Elasticsearch in Java projects – index and read documents

Nowadays market puts a huge demand for projects on efficient searching and analyzing capabilities of the big volume data. The answer on this is using […]
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Advanced Concurrency in Java

The concurrent programming model in the Java language has changed significantly in the past years. From “green threads” to native thread support, from synchronized, blocking […]
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Java Backend

Features in Java 15

Java 15 is the latest release. It was released in September 2020, several new features were added. The next LTS release – Java 17 is […]
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Practical guide to gRPC in Java

gRPC is an open-source language-agnostic RPC framework. It was developed at Google in 2015 based on experience with Stubby – their own framework used internally to […]
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Retrofit is a Java library created for the sole purpose of calling REST API easily. As will be shown below, we are basically going to […]
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Java Machine Learning Maven RabbitMQ

Mini Project RabbitMQ and Java – part 2

In the previous article, I presented RabbitMQ installation and environment preparation in the second part I will show how to send and consume messages from queues. […]
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Java Spring Maven Gradle JPA

Introduction to Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA is a project from large Spring family. It helps to reduce the amount of code by easy implementation of JPA (Java Persistence […]
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Java Machine Learning Maven RabbitMQ

Mini Project RabbitMQ and Java – part 1

RabbitMQ is a message-queueing software also known as a message broker or queue manager. In simple words, it is software where queues are defined, to […]
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